Date: October 7th-10th, 2009
Location: Holiday Inn Cleveland
6001 Rockside Road
Independence, Ohio 44131
Hotel reservations can be made directly by calling the Holiday Inn Hotel @ (216) 524-8050, extension 298 .
Reservation must be made by Sept 21, 2009 and the Institute of Roll Design must be mentioned to get the discounted rate of $85.00.
The hotel provides a complimentary shuttle service ( 6:00 am -11:00pm) from the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.
The Hospitality Suite will be open from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday the 7th for registration and greetings. Please sign in and don’t forget your dues and past dues if applicable.
Once again we are requesting our vendors make a voluntary contribution of $150.00 for the support our our Welcome Room.