Date: May 13th-16th, 2009
Location: The Westin Peachtree Plaza
210 Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta , GA 30303
This is to inform you of the special arrangements for the up-coming Spring IRD meeting. Due to special circumstances in Atlanta this year, we are faced with making the room arrangements within the IRD organization. There is a city- wide ordinance for a two week period which our conference falls into. For them to allow us to have the room rate of $139, we must produce a room list. The IRD organization is then responsible for paying for that room. Cancellations cost the organization, not the hotel. So we have enclosed a registration form that you need to return as soon as possible. Our rooms are limited and deadlines are going to fall earlier than in the past. We are trying to avoid people deciding at the last minute and then not having access to a room. When your registration is filled out and returned, you should wait a week and then call the hotel to finalize your payment information.
For your convenience we have enclosed a separate meeting pre- registration form, which we request you fill out and return along with required fees to the IRD at the address listed above. This will expedite matters when you arrive at registration.
The host company is Gerdau Ameristeel Cartersville and the host members are Kevin Danner and Tom Burkett.
The Hospitality Suite will be open from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday May13th for registration and greetings. Please sign in and don’t forget your dues and past dues if applicable.
Once again we are requesting our vendors make a voluntary contribution of $150.00 for the support our our welcome room.