• Date:             May 11-14th, 2011
    Location:       Hyatt Regency Indianapolis
                         One S. Capitol Ave
                         Indianapolis, IN 46204

    Hotel reservations must be made by April 11th and the Institute for Roll Design must be mentioned to receive the discounted rate of $129 per night. Reservations may be made by contacting the hotel directly at 1-888-421-1442. This rate will include the following dates if desired: 5/10 – 5/14.

    For shuttle service to and from the airport, contact IndyGo at http://www.indygo.net/. The cost is $7 each way.

    The host company is Steel Dynamics – Pittsboro, IN. The host member is Rob Kibler.

    The hospitality suite will be open from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday May 11th for registration and greetings. Due to hotel restrictions, no one will be admitted to the hospitality room without a badge. Please be sure to sign in, register and pay all applicable dues/fees to receive your badge. Once again, we are requesting a voluntary contribution of $225.00 from our vendors to help support our welcome room.

    Location Information:

    • Hotel Website: http://indianapolis.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp

    • Host websites: http://www.sdi-pit.com/barproducts/default.jsp